About us

We make the best for all our children

about TAF Global
about TAF Global
study about TAF Global

What is TAF Global all about

The aim is to create a society where every single one of us has the opportunity to access high-quality education and we build an ecosystem by reducing inequalities of all sorts by enabling the culture of compassion and empathy.


As UN designed Sustainable Development Goals as a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”, similarly, as TAF, we plan to make a stronger contribution by aligning all our projects and events to SDG 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Our Vision

Doing the right thing, at the right time

TAF envisions a world where people break the glass ceiling and enter into a world full of empathy and compassion by building inclusive education systems.

Our goal is to ‘Create access to social and economic opportunities towards empowering Women and Children.’



To encourage a child to continue the education.

Supporting the Government

To support the government in eradicating the dropouts from the school by working on policy-making and strategy execution.

New Methodologies

To bring state-of-the-art methodologies to increase the Happiness level among our stakeholders.


To strengthen the role of a teacher.


What makes us diferent?

Collective action and solidarity

We strive for joint action whenever justified by our mission and stand with and by other organizations when they need support because we believe in commitment over the competition.

Equity, inclusion, and dignity

We track measurable progress with a research agency to prove we’re making a real impact on our kids.

Digital accessibility

Recognizing how essential the web has become to modern daily life, our efforts will be to increase access towards rural and urban communities of India.

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